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Here’s Why Should Commit to Social Media Marketing

In this modern day and age, the vast majority of business owners invest in social media marketing because there are numerous benefits it can give brands. This is why you should invest in this critical component of digital marketing. Read on to discover why you should commit to social media marketing to enhance your overall marketing strategy.

Social Media Is Where Your Audience Is

According to statistics, 59% of people use social media on a daily basis, with people checking their accounts at least five times a day. This indicates that there is a high likelihood that the audience will interact with or be exposed to your content. Thus, it will be simple to connect with your target audience if you use the right channels.

You can improve the performance of content created for a specific audience by targeting that audience. Each platform has its own audience, such as Instagram, Snapchat, Facebook, YouTube, LinkedIn, and Pinterest. Each of these platforms can be utilised to achieve different objectives. 

You are in charge of your content’s distribution channels, and as such, you ensure that your message reaches the intended recipients. Controlled message delivery is one of the most significant benefits of social media marketing.

Social Media Has the Support You Need

95% of a brand’s supporters are expected to follow it on social media. There are numerous reasons for this. To begin, it is simply because it only requires a single click or tap on the screen. Second, it provides a substantial number of brand updates, some of which the user may find useful. 

In the context of e-commerce, this term refers to a promotion such as a limited-time offer, coupon code, or sale that provides a monetary incentive for continued brand loyalty.

Social Media Heightens Your Brand Awareness

Brand awareness can be fostered by social media followers. These are the users who are already acquainted with your brand and recognise your brand. If someone follows you, they will tell their other followers and friends about you. The more your brand is followed, the better your reach and awareness across users.

Social Media Sponsored Posts Outperform Traditional Forms of Advertising

It is widely known that social media network algorithms favour sponsored content. Facebook is the best example of this, as businesses are known to gain improved reach through sponsored posts. 

With sponsored content, smaller businesses are then allowed to gain a competitive advantage. As the level of competition increases, businesses must also expand their digital marketing budgets to fund sponsored posts.

Social Media Optimises Your SEO Efforts

Links from social media platforms may not carry the same weight as traditional backlinks, but they can still have an impact on search engine optimisation. It is well worth it, even if only for the additional traffic and leads it generates for your brand. This will increase the number of times your brand is mentioned, impacting your digital footprint. These advantages are simply too valuable for businesses to overlook.

Social Media Helps You Obtain Referrals

Before making an online purchase, people look for user-generated content such as positive (and negative) comments and real reviews. Social media platforms offer this advantage for both your brand and potential customers. Brands can then make the most out of a recommendation from someone your prospective customers know and trust, such as friends and key influencers.


By now, you must already understand the power of utilising social media to promote your brand and your business. It’s also worth considering that your competitors are already on different social media platforms today. As such, don’t risk falling behind. Simply explore what more social media can do for your brand and witness the positive results yourself!

Are you interested in social media marketing? Your Hive is here to help you grow your brand through modern and sophisticated solutions. Work with us today! 

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