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4 Business Tips to Follow When Outsourcing Marketing

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There are a lot of benefits to outsourcing your marketing. It can help you get a fresh perspective on your current marketing strategies and see what is working and what is not. A marketing company will also likely have more resources at their disposal to cater to any of your needs.

If you are considering outsourcing your marketing, it is important to find one that can work with you to achieve your marketing goals. Before you search, here are some helpful tips to remember.

1. Have a Clear Vision for Your Marketing Strategy

When you approach an agency for outsourcing your marketing, it’s best to already have a clear vision for it. If you don’t know what you want to get out of your marketing, it can be hard for agencies to create solutions and strategise. 

Without a marketing goal to work towards, any strategies could turn out vague or ineffective. Anything, from creating your company logo to crafting your website, could turn out not being unified. This is bad when you are trying to build a recognisable brand. 

When you have a clear marketing goal for your brand, the marketing agency you will outsource can effectively create collaterals, publication materials and more for you.

2. Do Thorough Research on the Company

As with any partnership, it is important to do thorough research on the marketing agency you will partner with. Make sure their goals and values are aligned with your company. View their website and check out their portfolio. 

You can even check to see if others have left reviews about their service to know what to expect from their services. Doing thorough research will ensure that you make the right partnerships and find a marketing agency that is more than happy to help you fulfill your goals.

3. Interview the Company

If you’ve had some potential companies you want to partner up with, take your research a step further by interviewing them. As a general rule, it is best to have at least three companies that you want to talk to. 

From there, you can ask to meet up with them and see what they can offer. You can ask for samples of their work and what specific services you can avail of. Do they offer SEO, analytics or user experience work? It is an opportune time to get to know the company and how they operate so that you can see whether they are a fit for you or not.

On top of that, it is a great way for the agency to get to know you as well. Tell them about your business, give them an overview of what you do and what your plans are. It can help you know whether they are interested in doing business with you.

4. Have KPIs to Measure Your Progress

Another crucial thing to have before you meet with your marketing agency is a set of Key Performance Indicators (KPI). This will give the marketing agency an inkling of how you want to proceed with your campaign.

You can ask for the agency to give you a Reverse Brief, a document that contains their interpretation of the deliverables, scope, metrics and other details. This can help you determine whether you are aligned with each other.


Find a marketing agency that will help you execute your campaign and build your brand from the ground up. Before partnering up, it is best to get to know them so that you know whether you want to continue the partnership or not.

Find a marketing support system that is in line with your vision with Your Hive. We want to help you grow your business through business management, social media marketing, project supervision and more. Consult with us today!

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