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A Quick Guide to Facebook Management for Beginners

It’s easy to feel overwhelmed when you’re first learning how to manage a Facebook page, whether for yourself or a client. There’s a lot to think about, including when to publish, what to post, and how and where to spend your Facebook advertising budget. 

This article will provide some Facebook management suggestions for individuals who have just started or need a refresher on the subject.

Differentiating a Page from a Profile

A Facebook page is for a company or brand, whereas a profile page is for individuals. What difference does it make? Access to analytics, the ability to promote the page and postings, and having several individuals contribute to it are all features that pages provide, but profiles do not.

So, first and foremost, ensure that the Facebook account you’re using is a page—not simply a profile—so that you can launch ad campaigns.

Using a Facebook Page to Promote Your Business

To effectively market your company on Facebook, you must allocate a certain amount toward paid advertising. You must do this to ensure the success of your Facebook page. 

In addition to being able to target a specific audience, having a marketing budget guarantees that the posts made by your firm reach your target audience. If you don’t pay to promote your Facebook page, only 2% of your followers will ever see your posts.

Checking Notifications

It’s critical to review all of a page’s alerts. If you’re maintaining a client’s page, this is a vital step since you’ll want to ensure that any messages or notable postings are forwarded to them in case they lead to increased brand recognition or a sale.

You will want to look into your inbox messages, new comments and likes, posts to your page, people checking in, and other messages.

Keeping Up to Date

You can’t effectively maintain a Facebook page unless you keep up with the newest social media news. Facebook is unquestionably one of the platforms that sees a lot of rapid changes.

You can look for social media updates in resources such as Social Media Examiner, Search Engine Land, AdEspresso, Adweek, and Social Media Today.

Did you notice a decline in your following around March 2015? This should not be a cause for alarm. By this time, Facebook had purged inactive accounts from the site. 

This is a good thing. Now, when you pay money to advertise your page and posts, you’ll have a greater chance of reaching accounts with active users who are more likely to become fans and engage with your content.

Metrics for Success

How would you know what promotions work and what doesn’t? You may be wasting money if you invest time and attention into a page but don’t measure and analyse the results of your campaigns.

Here are some methods for determining the effectiveness of your Facebook efforts:

  • Facebook Insights is a valuable tool that displays information about your page’s likes, reach, visits, posts, and users.
  • Google Analytics should be put on your page to examine how Facebook influenced traffic to your website at the end of each month. It’s fascinating to observe whether you promoted a post on a specific day and if it coincides with any increases in referral traffic to the site.


Social media management is time-consuming. If you are just starting, expect to put in many work hours. However, as you continue with it, you’ll see tangible benefits from your efforts. It’s not enough to just set up a Facebook account and start publishing content. The information mentioned above will assist you in effectively managing a Facebook page.

Do you need help with Facebook management in Perth? Your Hive can help your business thrive through business management, marketing support, and project supervision. Give us a call to learn more!

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